Sunday, November 12, 2017

"Ghada Wali" is the first Egyptian "Graphic Designer" participate in the activities of the World Youth Forum

Ghada Waly, the first Egyptian graphic designer, and the most influential figure around the world, at the World Youth Forum, in Sharm El Sheikh.

 "I have the honor to represent the youth people of Egypt, especially in the current period, which needs effective communication in building societies, building civilizations, and reconciling societies," she said.

The communication between the community is divided into three sections, "movement, language, and graphics". Through graphic, it is possible to document the Egyptian heritage and develop the education, then she pointed out that the first interaction between human and the outside world is the vision, design can change the fate of peoples, and the voice of the image is stronger than the impact of the voice of speech.

She added that she dreams of creating visual objects to promote and revive Egypt, like the other countries in the world. "It is not reasonable for a generation that is familiar with art and music to be exposed to a terrorist, extremist or racist," calling for everyone to participate in the dream and the goal for peace. , That effective communication is the infrastructure to build a cohesive society.

Egyptian graphic designer Ghada Waly has been selected by Forbes Magazine as one of the 30 artists under the age of 30 in 2017. And the National Council for Women honored her as a model for the talented Egyptian girl who is capable of realizing her dream despite the challenges she faces.

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